• wellness without walls ™

  • canfitpro Scholarship
    Please check all details including Dates and Sessions as available at canfitpro.com/events2021

    to afford the opportunity for an individual from any country to attend a professional continuing education fitness conference who otherwise would definitely not be able to attend the canfitpro world fitness expo that year for financial reasons. This Scholarship is open to any personal trainer, group fitness instructor, or club manager with a strong commitment to continuing education in the fitness/wellness market.

    Our committee has been reviewing #findLawrenceScholarships for several events for several years. Please note that we give preference to scholarship applications to individuals who either have never attended the canfitpro world fitness expo or who have not been able to attend in the past three years. My peer team of FG2000 faculty reviews each application that is complete; together we decide on the most deserving candidate for the Biscontini Scholarship for any given year

    Detailed Eligibility:
    This award is appropriate and available for you if YOU:

    1. strive to inspire the world to fitness as a manager, group fitness instructor or personal trainer.
    2. spend at least 15 hours per week in a professional career providing motivational, professional, and effective interaction with members and/or students..
    3. consider yourself a “full time fitness professional”.
    4. are financially “in need of assistance” and would be unable to attend the convention without the benefit of this grant..
    5. are NOT a professional presenter or continuing education specialist in your home country or abroad.
    6. are available for travel to the event the day prior to the convention and return the day of or after the convention.

    Purpose: When I began traveling for fitness on an international level over a dozen years ago, I met so many talented and promising instructors and personal trainers from various countries like previous recipients Ankie Feenstra in Greece, Doreen Rakowski in Pennsylvania, Bam Mogato in the Philippines, Fatih Senturk in Turkey, and others. In the hometowns of their developing countries, I knew that on their humble salaries they would not be able to afford the expenses necessary to attend a major convention. However, because of their hunger for knowledge and for the difference they make in their home areas, I knew that they would take full advantage of the opportunities for personal growth that fitness events offer us in North America. Unable to afford just the visas and travel-related expenses alone, not to mention the hefty convention prices themselves, they would not be able to attend without a scholarship. In many places outside of North America, it’s still not uncommon for facilities to pay under US $7.00 for a 90 minute yoga, Pilates, or core conditioning class, making attending a North-American convention impossible. I think that many of us who attend events year after year have come to take for granted the amount of education at our disposal, so I just want to try to make a small difference by enabling just one individual per year to attend my favorite conventions.

    Description: WHAT is the BISCONTINI SCHOLARSHIP?
    It’s like my answer to the “Make-A-Wish” foundation for fitness. It’s a Scholarship that gives the most deserving applicant each year (land or aquatic group fitness instructor, personal trainer, both) a chance to attend an internationally-acclaimed fitness convention with all expenses paid, including transportation, hotel, meals, and convention educational expenses. It’s a chance for a fitness professional who otherwise would not be able to attend to immerse himself or herself in current trends, techniques, and talents of the fitness world, at NO individual cost.

    My mission is “wellness without walls,” and the Biscontini Scholarship takes this mission to a deserving applicant in the hopes to touch the lives of the applicant and his or her clients and classes.

    In Lawrence’s own words:
    After I won a few Instructor of the Year awards, I decided that my next goal was not going to be a career goal for myself, but to enable a career goal for someone else. I put my time, energy, and money into creating a special bank account that would generate funds to make the Biscontini Scholarship possible each year. The Biscontini Scholarship will continue to exist as long as this proves feasible, and primary funds come from half of revenues generated at findLawrence.com product sales, and then from donations of cash from individuals & companies as well as donations-in-product from fitness-based product companies like Power Music. The Biscontini Scholarship also functions from the cooperative generosity of the canfitpro team as it fulfills their purpose of Inspiring Healthy Living Through Fitness Education.

    Guidelines and Process:
    Applications that do not follow this application precisely are disqualified without notification. Only electronic submissions will be processed. Complete applications are acknowledged.

    1. Applications must be complete and are not transferable to other individuals.
    2. All applications must be submitted in English.
    3. Applications after deadlines will be accepted, but considered for the following year (i.e, 2 calendar conventions hence).


    1. Step 1: cut and paste the rest of this page onto a blank word or notes document.
    2. Step 2: answer each question as directed in 250 words or less.
    3. Step 3. Paste a photograph of you into that document or attach a photograph of you to the email in the next step. No professional photograph is necessary; just a photo of you as you would include on a Facebook profile picture or similar photo.
    4. Save your document exactly thus: "scholarship_yourlastname__
      cfp_yearoftheconventionyouseektoattend” example: scholarship_smith_canfitpro_2021.
    5. Create a single email with your Word document attached containing your questions and answers, any attached photograph, to scholarship@findlawrence.com.
    6. If you are on Facebook, follow and/or friend @lawrencebiscontini and @findlawrence and subscribe to his updates to be kept abreast of postings, updates, and announcements by following this link or cut-and-paste to your browser: http://bit.ly/IwanttofindLawrence.

    Please answer EACH OF THE FOLLOWING IN 250 words or less:

    Dear Biscontini Scholarship Committee,

    I am applying for the Biscontini Scholarship to the canfitpro World Fitness Expo.

    1. Why would you like to receive the Biscontini Scholarship?
    2. After attending the world fitness expo, which tools would you like to acquire to take back home?
    3. Which SPECIFIC SESSIONS and/or WHICH PRESENTERS would you take and WHY? (include a specific track, like “mind-body”).
    4. What do you currently do in fitness? Are you full-time or part-time in fitness? How many classes and types of classes do you teach, or what kind of clients do you train? What is your current weekly teaching or training schedule? At which fitness establishments do you work or, where do you practice (e.g.,gyms, parks, churches)?
    5. Please be honest about your financial situation. Why do you qualify for this award? This is NOT the time to be to humble or too shy answering this question. Convince the committee first, that YOU cannot afford to attend, and second, that if YOU attend, the world will be a better place because of what YOU will learn and how YOU will implement what you study there and pay it forward spreading your knowledge with a demographic reach. Pitch your need to the committee and answer this: “I deserve this Scholarship because….”