• wellness without walls ™

  • Programs: Active Aging

    January 14, 2016 | adminfl

    One of our biggest fears as we age is falling, yet rarely do we spend time with our active agers addressing our feet which carry us through life. Research and Review from the Barefoot Trend is hotter than ever, and this workshop fuses the latest peer reviewed, cutting-edge information with practical applications of shoeless movement for older adults. We will blend research with foot hygiene, muscular anatomy, and stability and mobility movements to train the foot and lower-leg complex to improve balance and foot function. (Equipment: none)


    There’s no place like foam. The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) tells us that self-care is one of the most important methods we can incorporate into our activities of daily life to ensure that our body functions in an optimal way. Get "on a roll” to explore safe methods of myofascial release—including self-massage—to promote overall muscular health for the active ager to manage the damage. If we take care of our muscles, they can take care of us.

    NEUROPLASTICITY 101 (and beyond)
    Also called: Brain Bootcamp

    Neuroplasticity and Happiness: refers to our ability to train the brain, in all of its five major functions, to build mental muscle. Two important aspects of age include our functional and psychological age, and this lecture explores how to maximize our training of the same. Participants will gain practical applications of brain research to integrate neuroplasticity games into daily movement training programs for a healthy, happy and productive brain.

    OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE OLDER! (with Lawrence only)

    Join Lawrence for a theoretical and practical application of what it means to train "seniors" today versus just a few years ago. Teaching to this population, the "chronologically enriched," involves a new mindset and a new toolbox for today's group and personal trainers. Lawrence will share with you a discussion of "age," new general guidelines, and practical stories of movements, successes & inspiration that you can take to your older clients with a fresh approach. (Equipment: yoga mats if possible)

    OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE OLDER! (with Lawrence and over-90-years-young co-presenter Bernadette O'Brien)

    Join Lawrence and Bernadette O'Brien for a theoretical and practical application of what it means to train "seniors" today versus just a few years ago. Teaching to this population, the "chronologically enriched," involves a new mindset and a new toolbox for today's group and personal trainers. This team -- with a combined age of over 130 years -- will share with you a discussion of "age," new general guidelines, and practical stories of movements, successes & inspiration that you can take to your older clients with a fresh approach. (Equipment: yoga mats if possible)

    Read more about Lawrence's co-presenter Bernadette O'Brien here.


    Many individuals are living longer and better than ever. Cutting-edge research reveals the secrets involving aging and how we can proactively become involved with our chronologically enriched friends. We know that we can train and retard the aging process by focusing on mental health, cardiovascular conditioning, strength training, flexibility and fall prevention and balance. Lawrence will discuss why we don’t just “teach seniors” any longer. Group fitness instructors, personal trainers and those in charge of active aging programming will enjoy this exciting day that combines research and practical approaches for training the brains and bodies of our 50+ participants. Order from SCWFit.com


    Learn exercises, sequences, drills and skills perfect for the gentle exerciser and active aging market that use the BOSU® Balance Trainer in many unique ways. Moving through many of the body's functional positions for activities of daily life, Lawrence and Bernadette demonstrate how the BOSU can provide assistance, resistance, cushioning and stimulus to amplify the impact for this important and growing market of exercisers. Help your clients build functional strength, face their fear of falling with gait training, learn various ways to get up and down, move more efficiently through the entire kinetic chain, and ultimately make all of their daily movements easier to do!
    Order DVD or order instant video download from BOSU.com